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Australia WB Philippines Development Trust Fund

The Trust Fund supports a range of programs that contribute to long term inclusive growth in the Philippines. It underpins the AusAID-World Bank partnership in the country. The Trust Fund arrangement has produced benefits in its two years of operation. It has provided a strategic approach to the partnership and delivered administrative efficiencies. It has allowed AusAID to tap into the technical resources of the World Bank. The work sponsored through the Trust Fund has strengthened AusAID's large programs and the quality of Australia's policy dialogue with the Philippine Government. The total value of this initiative is AUD 50M over five years, starting 2008-09.

Project code: AU-5-INI632-PH
Last updated: 2012-07-25 12:04:55

Current status: Implementation


Name Role
Australian Agency for International DevelopmentReporting

Activity dates

Type Date
Planned start2009-06-01
Planned end2013-06-30
Actual start2009-06-01
Actual end2013-06-30

Financial data

Type Date Value Currency
Expenditure 2010-06-30 7439027 AUD
Expenditure 2011-06-30 17850162 AUD

There might be more data available

This page shows a subset of the information available in this organisation's data.

The IATI Standard makes it possible to share other sorts of data, such as:

  • Project documents
  • Sub-national location of projects (e.g. geocoding)
  • Results data
  • Conditions

Contact details

Organisation: AusAID
Mailing address: GPO Box 887, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia