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Upscaling the national response to HIV-AIDS through the delivery of services and information to population at risk and people living with HIV/AIDS

HIV prevalence in the Philippines is one of the lowest in the region. However concern is growing that the epidemic may spread exponentially within a few years if the country does not intensify its prevention activities. The program supported by this Round 5 grant focuses on scaling up the national response to HIV through the delivery of services and information to populations at risk and people living with HIV. Specific objectives include maintaining prevalence among vulnerable groups at less than 1 percent and reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS on individuals, families and communities. The program will implement a set of comprehensive activities aimed at reducing transmission among vulnerable groups (including people in prostitution, people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, and migrant workers); scaling up support, care and treatment for people who live with HIV and their families; strengthening health management and delivery systems at both the national and local level; and conducting operational research involving out-of-school youths, street children, the informal workforce and seafarers to assess their level of risk and vulnerability.

Project code: 47045-PHL-509-G10-H
Last updated: 2013-12-09

Current status: Completion


Name Role
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and MalariaFunding
Department of Health, PhilippinesImplementing
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and MalariaReporting

Activity dates

Type Date
Actual start2006-10-01
Planned start2006-10-01
Planned end2010-09-30
Actual end2010-09-30

Financial data

Type Date Value Currency
Commitment 2006-10-01 1086949 USD
Disbursement 2012-09-04 -563890 USD
Disbursement 2012-06-22 -254420 USD
Disbursement 2010-02-02 1905260 USD

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{u'text': u'Philippines', u'xml:lang': u'en'}

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