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Accelerating STI and HIV prevention and care through intensified delivery of services to vulnerable groups and people living with HIV in strategic areas in the Philippines

In the Philippines, HIV prevalence is low – below 0.1 percent – and less than one percent of sex workers are infected with HIV. The primary mode of transmission is through unprotected sex, and about one-third of diagnosed infections have occurred in returning overseas workers, primarily seafarers and domestic workers. The program supported by this grant aims to contribute to the national goal of preventing the further spread of HIV and AIDS and to reducing its impact on those already infected. Specifically, it aims to improve behavior change communication and management of sexually transmitted infections among vulnerable and poor populations such as people in prostitution, men who have sex with men and migrant workers in 11 sites. Additionally, the program is scaling up voluntary counseling and testing support, care and treatment for people living with HIV in four geographic areas.

Project code: 47045-PHL-304-G03-H
Last updated: 2013-12-09

Current status: Completion


Name Role
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and MalariaFunding
Tropical Disease Foundation Inc.Implementing
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and MalariaReporting

Activity dates

Type Date
Actual start2004-08-01
Planned start2004-08-01
Planned end2009-07-31
Actual end2009-07-31

Financial data

Type Date Value Currency
Commitment 2004-08-01 5262179 USD
Disbursement 2006-05-18 123072 USD
Disbursement 2005-11-02 996058 USD
Disbursement 2005-06-24 105425 USD
Disbursement 2005-03-30 239072 USD
Disbursement 2004-07-09 1506042 USD
Disbursement 2006-02-20 106720 USD
Disbursement 2005-07-20 420476 USD
Disbursement 2008-11-26 277592 USD
Disbursement 2008-05-27 72984 USD
Disbursement 2007-12-14 513577 USD
Disbursement 2007-04-27 246385 USD
Disbursement 2006-11-22 379485 USD
Disbursement 2006-08-18 287251 USD
Disbursement 2010-04-23 -7661 USD
Disbursement 2010-01-22 -4298 USD

There might be more data available

This page shows a subset of the information available in this organisation's data.

The IATI Standard makes it possible to share other sorts of data, such as:

  • Project documents
  • Sub-national location of projects (e.g. geocoding)
  • Results data
  • Conditions


{u'text': u'Philippines', u'xml:lang': u'en'}

Contact details
