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The Water Resources Development project will assist the Government of the Philippines in developing an appropriate policy and institutional framework to improve water resources planning, development and management; initiating an integrated and comprehensive approach to water shed management to sustain water sources; improving existing irrigation system efficiency, thereby increasing agricultural production, and alleviating rural poverty; improving irrigation services in the long term by accelerating management turnover of irrigation systems to water users and by increasing the National Irrigation Administration's (NIA's) institutional effectiveness; and improving the environment in irrigated areas. The five year project will include the following components: a) improved water resources planning and management - preparation of a national water resources plan, improvement of national data collection networks, establishment of a national water information network and strengthening of the National Water Resources Board (NWRB); b) improved watershed management - formulation of a national watershed management strategy and investment and institutional strengthening program, investments for improved management; and staff training/study watershed management tour; c) improvement and repair of National Irrigation System (NIS) - system improvement, repairs in major structures, strengthening of Masiway dam, and construction of sediment inclusion structures; d) institutional strengthening of NIA and Irrigators Associations (IAs) - staff training, consultancies, computers and incremental operating costs to facilitate progressive management; and e) environmental improvement - control of schistosomiasis, erosion control works; sediment monitoring, and establishment of an Environmental Unit within NIA and provision of training and consultancy to the unit.

Project code: 44000-P004613
Last updated: 2013-07-27 09:53:11

Current status: Completion


Name Role
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFunding
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentExtending
World Bank GroupReporting


Name Percent Type
Agricultural land resources 50 DAC
Agricultural water resources 50 DAC
Irrigation and drainage 81 WBSector
Central government administration 19 WBSector
Water resource management 50 WBTheme
Environmental policies and institutions 50 WBTheme

Activity dates

Type Date
Planned start1996-11-26
Actual start1996-11-26
Planned end2005-06-30
Actual end2005-06-30

Financial data

Type Date Value Currency
Interest Repayment 2011-03-31 -100451 USD
Loan Repayment 2011-03-31 -1324500 USD
Interest Repayment 2011-09-30 -66201 USD
Loan Repayment 2011-09-30 -1364000 USD
Interest Repayment 2012-03-31 -58878 USD
Loan Repayment 2012-03-31 -1406700 USD
Interest Repayment 2012-09-30 -85562 USD
Loan Repayment 2012-09-30 -1446100 USD
Interest Repayment 2013-03-31 -72770 USD
Loan Repayment 2013-03-31 -1492200 USD

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  • Project documents
  • Sub-national location of projects (e.g. geocoding)
  • Results data
  • Conditions

Contact details

Organisation: The World Bank
Mailing address: The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433 USA
Telephone: +1-202-473-1000
Email: [None, u'']