Do not rely on this data!

This is a demonstration application to explore what data donors have already published. You should not rely on it to make decisions about allocation or about the current nature of different donors' activities.


The project forms part of the Government's four-year infrastructure program, of which public investments in power is the second largest (after transportation), accounting for about $200 million or 18 percent of the total. The project consists of the construction of a thermal unit of 150 MW, three 75-MW transformers and ancillary equipment on the Bauaan peninsula; 24 substations and 1,400 km of transmission lines in Luzon; and consultant services for the final design and supervision of construction, the preparation of a long-term plan for the expansion of the Luzon grid, feasibility studies for further hydroelectric projects in Luzon and technical assistance to NPC.

Project code: 44000-P004423
Last updated: 2013-07-26 18:54:10

Current status: Completion


Name Role
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFunding
International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentExtending
International Development AssociationFunding
International Development AssociationExtending
World Bank GroupReporting


Name Percent Type
Power generation/non-renewable sources 100 DAC

Activity dates

Type Date
Planned startNone
Actual start1972-03-21
Planned end1980-06-30
Actual end1980-06-30

Financial data

Type Date Value Currency
Interest Repayment 2011-03-31 -12958 USD
Loan Repayment 2011-03-31 -150239 USD
Interest Repayment 2011-09-30 -12395 USD
Loan Repayment 2011-09-30 -150239 USD
Interest Repayment 2012-03-31 -11831 USD
Loan Repayment 2012-03-31 -150239 USD
Interest Repayment 2012-09-30 -11268 USD
Loan Repayment 2012-09-30 -150239 USD
Interest Repayment 2013-03-31 -10705 USD
Loan Repayment 2013-03-31 -150239 USD

There might be more data available

This page shows a subset of the information available in this organisation's data.

The IATI Standard makes it possible to share other sorts of data, such as:

  • Project documents
  • Sub-national location of projects (e.g. geocoding)
  • Results data
  • Conditions

Contact details

Organisation: The World Bank
Mailing address: The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433 USA
Telephone: +1-202-473-1000