1. To monitor violations of HR and IHL through a community based monitoring system especially violations committed against women and children. 2. To provide legal training to the community-based monitors and equip them with basic knowledge on HR and IHL as well as orient them on monitoring violations against HR and IHL. 3. To provide immediate and accessible legal aid to victims of HR violations by establishing two (2) accessible monitoring and Legal Aid Centers for these highly vulnerable conflict communities bringing services closer to communities in need
Project code: 41127-FTS:PHI-13/P-HR-RL/52864/14164
Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:59:00
Name | Role |
Mindanao Human Rights Action Center | Implementing |
UNOCHA-FTS | Reporting |
Name | Percent | Type |
Relief coordination; protection and support services | DAC | |
Type | Date |
Planned start | 2013-01-01 |
Planned end | 2013-12-31 |
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