Philippines Projects

This is a quick testing site to see what information is available about projects in the Philippines.

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What is this site?

This site shows data that donors have already published about their aid activities in the Philippines — both existing activities and in response to Typhoon Haiyan.

Where does the data come from?

The data comes from open data published by donors to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), the internationally-agreed standard for publishing aid data. The standard makes it possible to share timely and detailed data on aid flows.

Donors have just begun to publish so the data is not complete. The quality of this information depends on each organisation and how frequently they publish.

What can donors do?

In the short term, organisations working in the Philippines should provide their data to UNOCHA's Financial Tracking Service (FTS). Publishing to IATI will help to automate and speed up the process of sharing useful data.

Visit FAiTH for Philippines government data on pledges by individual countries. Visit FAiTH »

Why publishing data is important

Publishing more data about aid activities should help everyone gain a better understanding of the overall picture. In a humanitarian situation, there are much greater and more urgent needs, so coordination is vital.